Corona Child Support Lawyer

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Corona Child Support Lawyer

Child Support

Corona Child Support Attorney

Both parents of a child, whether they are married or not, are responsible for ensuring that the child’s physical, emotional, and financial needs are being met. Child support is intended as a way for both parents to share in the expenses required to reasonably provide for those needs. Although many parents make efforts to come to an agreement on what that looks like, the courts often need to get involved.

If you are facing a divorce or separation in Corona, CA, and will need to establish child support, or if you are seeking to request modifications to an existing child support agreement, partner with an experienced and skilled family lawyer who can represent you in your case.

Child Support Representation in Corona, CA

At Najera Law Group, APC, we have a comprehensive background in helping families and children work out child support, child custody, and other important family law arrangements. We offer individualized counsel and compassionate legal support. We understand that every family is unique, and so are their particular needs and make-up. By working with a qualified Corona child support attorney, you can get help with navigating the complicated child support system, knowing that someone is representing you and your child(ren).

What Initiates Child Support Proceedings?

Child support determinations most commonly accompany divorce proceedings between a couple with shared children. However, this is not the only legal scenario in which child support proceedings are necessary. The following are situations that call for establishing a child support agreement:

  • Divorce. While a divorce severs many legal obligations between spouses, it does not cease the obligation of either parent to ensure that their child’s needs are cared for. This responsibility is most often shared as equitably as possible, though alternative arrangements can be made.
  • Separation of unmarried parents. When parents who share a child are unmarried, a child support agreement is necessary if they decide to separate. Either parent can initiate the proceedings.
  • Establishment of paternity. In situations where paternity has not previously been legally established or was otherwise disputed, child support proceedings can establish financial obligations between both parents once the paternity has been determined.
  • Modification. When one or both parents submit a request to modify an existing child support or child custody agreement, the case will be reviewed, and a new agreement may potentially be made.
  • Adoption by a stepparent. Often, a biological parent may consent to the adoption of their child by the child’s stepparent. When this happens, the biological parent is no longer legally responsible for caring for the child, and child support agreements are usually terminated.

How Are Child Support Payments Determined?

California uses a set formula to determine the child support payment amount in a divorce. The formula considers the following variables: 

  • K represents how much income a parent is required to commit to child support. This is based on how much each parent earns and is calculated separately.
  • HN represents the “high net,” which is the disposable income of the higher-earning parent.
  • H% represents the parenting time of the higher-earning parent as a percentage compared to the other.
  • TN represents the “total net,” which is the disposable income of both parents.
  • CS represents the total child support, given by the formula.

The formula used, known as the Statewide Uniform Guideline, is CS = K [HN – (H%)(TN)].

This is the method that the court uses to determine payments. However, if you are able to negotiate with the other parent and come to an agreement, then you won’t be restricted to the formula for determining how much or how little to pay. Every family is unique, and so are their needs.

FAQs About Corona, CA Child Support Laws

Do You Need a Lawyer for Child Support in California?

It is always recommended that you seek legal counsel when negotiating child support. California child support cases are relatively straightforward, but that doesn’t mean that negotiations can’t fall apart. At times, it can be very difficult for parents to come to an agreement. It is likely that the other parent will have their own legal counsel and may try to appeal any court-ordered arrangements. It is, therefore, ideal to have someone on your side who is qualified to fight for your rights and secure your interests.

How Much Does a Child Support Lawyer Cost in California?

California child support lawyers charge an average of $100 to $500 per hour. Depending on the complexity of your case and your individual needs, this means that you could typically end up paying between $2,500 to $5,000. Despite the upfront cost, it is worth considering the long-term economic impact of a child support determination. Depending on the age of your children, you could be paying hundreds of dollars more per month for up to 18 years without a lawyer’s help.

What’s the Minimum Child Support in California?

California has no set minimum for child support payments. Rather, the appropriate amount for each unique case is determined through the state’s formula, which is used to arrive at a fair payment that properly cares for the child. When determining an amount, the Corona court will consider:

  • Child custody orders
  • Both parents’ income
  • The total number of children
  • The time that each parent will have with the children
  • The general and specific needs of each child

What Is the Average Cost of Child Support in California?

California child support law has no set minimum or maximum amounts. Instead, it allows the courts to approach each case according to its unique circumstances and needs. Generally, this means that California parents pay about $430 on average in child support payments per month. The actual amount for each family is determined by using the formula, CS = K [HN – (H%)(TN)].

Corona Child Support Attorney

Whatever circumstances may be requiring you to undergo child support determinations, a qualified and skilled family law attorney can walk you through the process. The team at Najera Law Group, APC, offers empathy and compassion in handling your case. We can represent you to protect your rights as a parent and pursue the most favorable outcome for everyone. Contact our office today for a consultation or to learn more.
